Dixons Manningham Primary
BackAt Dixons Manningham, we believe that our children and community deserve the very best from us and we strive to deliver this. We feel privileged to be serving the community of Manningham and are fully committed to improving the outcomes for our children.
We aim to provide high quality experiences in all aspects of school life. We want our children to be happy, successful and keen to learn, enabling them to grow into fulfilled young people who can make a positive contribution to an ever-changing society.
Dixons Manningham is a friendly school that is keen to welcome new pupils, families and staff. We are a two form primary school with our own nursery, so we take up to 460 local children. In January 2015 we became part of Dixons Multi-Academy Trust.

PrincipalTerri Leighton
Wood St, Bradford BD8 8HY